THM – Dreaming or the land of the endless.
6 min read – A not-so-easy room. You can access the room here. Hey there folks! As always after spinning up the machine we start with nothing else than nmap. So right after this head to the browser and open the web app. As we can see this is just a default Apache page so…
THM Free Offsec Guide, Getting Started and Windows
4 min read – The article by THM is here. The beginning is always the worst First of all Happy New Year to you all! As promised last year, I will go through all the courses listed in TryHackMe’s free offensive security guide. As of now I have finished all the modules in Getting Started…
TryHackMe Free Offensive Security Guide
< 1 min read – I have recently come across this post by TryHackMe. In this article, they have collected a variety of their free rooms that will teach you the fundamentals of cybersecurity. I strongly recommend reading it since it looks interesting. I have also decided to do every room recommended there in that…
TryHackMe Advent of Cyber ’23 Side Quest
6 min read – Challenge 1 – The Return of the Yeti The main room is available here. Finding challenge one Hey there folks, it’s been a while since I wrote a post (I was quite busy during the holiday season) but fortunately, I had time to complete TryHackMe’s AoC Sidequest Challenge 1 ๐ .…
THM Simple CTF write-up
4 min read – You can access the room here. A not-so-simple solution This easy room has 10 tasks that need to be answered: This is a good room for beginners since it walks you through the steps of the solution without actually spoiling it. How many services are running under port 1000? This is…
RootMe – Easy THM write-up
5 min read – Site-to-Root The room is available here. As always this machine also starts with good ol’ reconessence ๐ . The 1st task is to find how many ports are open on this machine. For this, we are going to use our usual tool, namap. This will give us the answer. From the…
The beginning of a journey
3 min read – Open-sourcing Hey there, this is going to be a little different from the previous posts. As I have planned from the beginning, I want to do these diary or journal-like posts where I talk about my experience as a beginner and here we are ๐ . This post is going to…
THM – Basic Pentesting write-up
4 min read – A not-so-basic challenge The challenge is available here. As always let’s start with connecting to OpenVPN and launching the room. When we get an IP address run Nmap to see what ports are open. As you can see, there are a lot of open ports but for now, focus on port…
What the (web) shell?
3 min read – A deeper dive into THM pickle rick I would like to start with a little disclaimer; I am a junior in this field so there might be things I know incorrectly however, it is important that beginners also see how others do at the beginning of their professional careers. With that…
THM Pickle Rick write-up
4 min read – The room is available here. A quick guide to unPickel Rick After we start up the challenge machine it gives us an IP address (in m case it was Let’s go and try to access it via a browser. As we can see, there are no options on this page…